EP 102: Morning Routines with Angela Duncan | Part 2


Hey, you are about to hear part two of a two part conversation. If you haven't yet, be sure to listen to part one, which aired last week.


Welcome to the Think Happy podcast. I so, so hope you enjoyed last week's episode with Angela, because you're gonna get to listen to part two of it today over here at the Quavis house. We are gearing up for James's first birthday party this weekend. I'm gonna be doing a football tailgate theme, and I am just really excited about it. So, fun fact, I love planning and hosting parties.


I love going all out with them. Back in the day, I threw Oakley this amazing surprise 30th birthday party that included a ginormous inflatable water slide that was in our driveway. So, yeah, that just should give you a little bit of an idea of how all out I like to go with throwing parties. So, James's party, let's see here, we're going to host it in our backyard and on our driveway, we're going to have tailgate games like cornhole, stuff like that. Football is going to be on. We're going to pull out one of our tvs and put it outside on the porch. I'm going to do just like, tailgating and football foods, hot dogs, chili, lots of beer, lots of wine, because why the heck not? I'm gonna do a big balloon wall on my garage. My garage is like, kind of part of my backyard a little bit, I guess, if that makes sense. And the balloon wall is going to say, touchdown. James is one. And for the number one, James is going to build me, like, a huge cutout in the shape of a one that I'm going to fill with balloons.


It's going to be really cute. I'm sure that I will end up posting photos of it on my stories, so stay tuned. Okay. Wow. I'm really excited about that. Anyway. Okay, so without further ado, let's get into today's episode. If you haven't yet. Go listen to part one with Angela. It aired last week. The top of that episode introduces her. It also goes into some detail on the pause of mom life. Okay, that is more of a think, happy update, but it's still relevant to you if you had been looking into joining mom life. So anyway, yeah. With that being said, here is part two of my conversation with Angela, all about morning routines and crushing it in the first hour of your day. Enjoy. Since I have two young kids, there's a couple of things that I like to accomplish in the mornings. But I look at it more like over a week versus each day because I don't have time to do each of these things every single day. And so if you're listening to this and you are like, well, I don't have an hour, that's okay. Just like Angela said. That is so okay.


So here's what I do inside of a week. I want to make sure that I exercise in the mornings a couple of times, usually three times. I want to make sure that I get in time with my devotional and I want to make sure I get in time for my journal. So most of the times, that's going to look like either exercising or spending time with my devotional and my journal. So the majority of the time, three mornings out of the week, and I'm talking Monday through Friday right now, the majority of the time, three mornings out of the week, I'll use that time to exercise. Two mornings out of the week, I'll use that time to dive into my devotional and journal. So they're pretty similar.


Yeah. And you have kids and I don't exactly.


Yes. I guess the only other thing is I get up not too much earlier than you. I'm usually up by 545.


How about the ending of your day? How do you end your day that helps you still stay focused and happy? Positive.


Yeah. So one of the things I do when I end my day is I have a small gratitude journal that sits next to my bed. And I'll write down three things that I'm grateful for from that day. Actually, funny story, I went to grab that journal last night and could not find it. So lord only knows where Eleanor put it. I need to go find it. But I am almost always in bed with the lights out by 09:00, if not earlier. 75% of the time it's earlier than 09:00. But going to bed early is a strong boundary that I have because I want that morning.


Yeah. So mine is similar. Probably not quite 09:00 maybe more. Around ten for me. But I put my phone on do not disturb my daughter and a couple of family members can bypass it. Nobody else really can. So I still have it with me next to me. But I like to watch funny things at nighttime because it just helps me end my day positive, too. So if I'm laying in bed, it's bedtime. I like to watch ridiculousness or impractical jokers. Just something mindless but funny because then I feel like I'm going to bed happy. Wake up happy. So it really changed. I used to watch just like drama or housewives and I just made that shift, that little change in what I watch, and it's still fun to watch. It makes me laugh. And then I go to bed and I just feel like it really helps me go to bed happy.


Yeah. I think that the key, or an overlooked aspect of having a successful morning routine is how you end your day. I kind of think of it as one of those circle graphs of half of an arrow pointing this way and then it leads into the other half that goes that way. Just like they work hand in hand. Literally, the way you end your day sets you up for how you're going to start the next day, which sets you up for how that day is going to go, and how you're going to end that day, which it just works together. So if someone is struggling to be consistent with a morning routine, one suggestion that I would give is to take a look at your evenings and how you're ending your day.


Yeah, love that. Agree.


Okay. We've talked all about why mornings are such a great time to set your day up for success. We've given an insider's look at each of our mornings and also each of our evenings. Now let's tackle how to actually build a morning routine that serves you well. Okay, so I'll start just by asking, how did you go about creating or building your current morning routine?


Yeah. So being an entrepreneur, we always have goals and they're business goals. There could be personal goals and I need to have them visual. For me, I'm a visual learner, so when I write them and I visually see it, then I am ten times more likely to accomplish that goal because it's what my mind is focusing on. Kind of what we talked about earlier, what you tell your mind to focus on. It's going to continue to look in your environment all day because you've told it to. So writing them down and making everything visual for me is just so important. Otherwise, I'm not working on those tasks to accomplish that. So if something doesn't fit in alignment at this period of my life with a goal, then I let it go. And it could be a person, a relationship, it could be an opportunity that comes about because it's very easy to chase new opportunities. But if it's not something that I'm working on right now, then I'm okay letting it go and then maybe sometime in the future picking it back up. But if it doesn't fit in line with what I'm working on, I know that I can't create more time.


So I'm just going to say no for right now and be okay with that. Actually, I've kind of changed that language, too, because no to me, just seems so negative. So now I look for the right opportunities to say yes to, and I seek out those people and those opportunities so that I can say yes. Because then when I'm filling my calendar with my yes's, then I don't have time for the no's because I've already said yes to what I need to say yes to.


Another way, I think, to reframe that is, saying no to good things allows you the time and the capacity and the bandwidth to say yes to the great things. And just because something is a no right now doesn't mean it's a no forever. It's just not at this time.


Yeah. And a lot of times, people, they're curious about what you're doing. They see you're having success, they see your positive mental attitude, and they're like, can we just grab coffee or can I take you out to lunch? And I don't have time for that right now. So I invite them to do either a zoom or maybe come to an event with me so you can still see what I'm doing, ask me questions, but we can still be at an event where we're both growing. So I've learned to say no to those little things because some of them just don't align with my current focus. And I can't. Like we said, we can't create more time. So I apologize and say, you know, I'm not able to do coffee, but I'm coming to this event next week. You should come with me. And then I'm adding value to them, taking time away from my own focus.


Yeah. As I'm sitting here, I'm drinking the most delicious cup of Kibeans coffee. Kirbeans is a wife and husband duo who turned their passion for coffee into a business. They are so sweet and it makes me so happy seeing their business thrive. Now, let me tell you why Kirbeans is thriving. To put it simply, it's because their coffee is amazing. Think happy has had the honor of getting to pick a think happy signature roast. These dark roasted Mexico beans smell like a good day waiting to happen. When brewed, they create the smoothest cup of coffee you have ever tasted, and it is even still good after being reheated. If you're like me and frequently get pulled away from your coffee, you know, that's important. And I have a special treat for you. Think happy listeners receive 15% off their order of Kirbeans. Head to Kirbeans coffee. Kirbeans is spelled kirbeans and use code thinkhappy at checkout for your 15% discount. Again, that's Kirbeans coffee code thinkhappy for 15% off.


That is such a good idea, Angela, because also, that opportunity for whoever it might be that's asking for the coffee date, that opportunity is now so enriching because you're introducing them to whatever this event is just opening their eyes to this whole world network, whatever it might be. I love that. That's awesome.


Yeah. Because you're one connection, one idea, one implementation away from just totally shifting your life.


Yeah. We are so in control. We just have to be proactive about taking that driver's seat. Yes. So, over time. I know that you said that you've had this current routine for a couple of years, since you started implementing it a couple of years ago. Has it changed at all? Has there been any trial and error? And it's okay if your answer is no. I'm just curious.


Yeah. Since my daughter moved out and I shifted my routine, it's stayed the same for the most part. What I did implement more of is I do take time off. I do take vacation. I drive up to Tampa to see family, but I bring my journal with me. So that part of my routine does not change because I want to practice gratitude every single day. And knowing that I'm going to still practice that when I'm not at home, when I'm on vacation or going to conferences, that part of my routine stays the same. Now, I might not hit the workouts that I want to every week, but I'm also intentional with what I eat. So then I know that I'm still taking care of my health and my body first.


Yeah, I have a question. So it's kind of backtracking a little bit. So when you write down your ten goals each day, are those ten goals the same day after day, or do they change depending on the day. Does that make sense?


Yeah. So it changes if I accomplish something, obviously that comes off my list. If my focus shifts, if an opportunity does come my way and it helps me to reach another goal, then I may say yes to that opportunity. And then that goes on my goal sheet. And then something else might get pushed to a further date. So then I stop writing it as my top ten. For example, writing a book and becoming an Amazon bestselling author is providing financial freedom for other people. That's been a goal for mine most of this year. And so now that it's done, it's no longer on my list, but now I've replaced it with, okay, time for book number two and what does that look like? And then setting a date for that so that I'm intentionally working towards that goal. But it does change. Whether things are accomplished or it might not be my focus anymore, I will take them off. And so I'm okay making that change. But since you've written it down in a journal format, you can always go back and review what your goals were. And maybe something needs to come off. Maybe you need to add something or tweak something, but it's in a written format, so I always have it in front of me.


Yeah. One of my favorite parts about journaling is that it gets to be so unique to you. Right? So the way one person journals does not have to be the way another person journals. And there's so many different ways that we can go about journaling, because just listening to how you do it, that's not what I do. But I totally understand what you're doing, the thinking behind it, and how that moves you forward. I actually have a whole podcast episode on different forms of journaling, and now I might need to do a part two to that because you're really inspiring me. Just like listening to how you use your journal. And I think that sometimes, especially women, we get it in our head that journaling has to be this long winded, time consuming, write out my feelings sort of exercise. But it doesn't have to be just in this conversation alone, we have talked about at three or four different ways of journaling. So you, with your goals, your gratitude statements, my evening gratitude journal, where I just write three things I'm grateful for from the day, and then my morning journaling, which is more of just like a free flow, writing what's in my mind, what's on my heart, things that are happening, kid milestones, recap of weekends and just things that I want to remember.


It's so just whatever is in my head. Journaling is so far from black and white, and you can do it wherever you are. What? I mean, not physically wherever you are, but there are so many methods that you can use that it just meets you where you are in life. It can be three minutes or less.


Yeah. But I think we both do the similar where we're writing it down. I think it's so important for you to write it, not just to type it in your phone as a note, but to physically write it out and put your thoughts into paper. It just helps transform how you're feeling about what it is you're journaling about.


Yeah. I am such a fan of pen to paper. For me, that's just a total game changer. Personally, I cannot imagine journaling with technology. I know that it's out there. I was actually approached by a company not too long ago who has a journaling app, and they were asking me to write a coaching program for the app that was specifically geared towards journaling. And that's a perfect example of saying no to the good so that I could say yes to the great. Because first of all, that's not how I journal. So it would take a lot of brain power to figure out how to transition some of my content to that format. Also, just in general, I don't have the time to do that right now.




I went down a little bit of a rabbit trail there.


It's okay.


Do you have any tips for the listeners, specifically on building a morning routine that sets you up to. Again, I'm going to use your words to totally crush it in the first hour of the day.


Yeah. And it doesn't even have to be like a journal. It can just be like a piece of paper or notepad. Just have something by your bed that you can grab as soon as you wake up. And I forgot to say, too, I also make my bed first thing because to me, I feel accomplished, like I did something. So that helps me. And then when I go to bed at night, my bed's made and it just feels great.


Making the bed is a feel-good. I love it.


Yeah. But the tip is just figure out what it is that works for you and be okay giving yourself that time first thing in the morning, because the more that you can show up for yourself, the more you're going to show up for other people. And even if it's not goals, maybe you're not a writer and you don't want to write your thoughts down. Maybe just write a gratitude statement and start with something positive. Put something positive in your mind to start, because then your brain starts looking for positiveness in the rest of the day.


Yeah, that's so true. There's a type of journal that's called a one line a day. I think that those are a great starting point for someone who is not a writer, who just does not feel the natural urge to write things down like that.


Yeah. Maybe they just want to start with five minutes a day. They work their way up to doing a half hour, 1 hour of crushing their day. But if they say, well, I don't have that much time, you can. Five minutes, you can find it.


Yeah. And that actually goes hand in hand with one of the tips that I was going to share with listeners, which is the number one way that I teach around building routines, is to start with a foundation that is easy to accomplish, that is not a carrot dangling in front of you. And that foundation can even include things that you're already doing. So, for example, your foundation of a morning routine could be starting to set your alarm ten minutes earlier. Right. Getting up ten minutes earlier, starting the coffee, and, I don't know, listening to Taylor Swift while the coffee brews and you empty the dishwasher. I don't know, just something like that. Something that is not too hard to accomplish. And then from that, you can start building onto that routine. Right. You can then go maybe 20 minutes earlier and add in a morning walk, maybe 30 minutes earlier. Add in some journal time, some prayer time, some meditation time, whatever it might be. Set yourself up for success by taking those baby steps. But those baby steps start with the foundation, because that's what's holding it all up. Okay, as we start wrapping up this conversation, let's just summarize some of these tips that we've given so far.


So your tip is, start with something positive. Be okay with taking time for yourself in the morning. I think another key point that we've talked about is this notion of just, like, getting super intentional with your time and keeping in mind that mornings are the time of day that we have where it's the most likely to be influences. And then start small. Start with a foundation. Build upon that. Oh, and one more. Get clear on your why. Get clear on why you're actually wanting to do this, because I guarantee you, as much as Angela and I want to be there cheering for you when your alarm goes off 20 minutes earlier than you used to, we're not going to be there. No one's going to be there cheering for you to get out of bed. You have to have that. Why?


Maybe we need to create that, like an alarm or an app or something that says, hey, this is your coach, Kaitlin, telling you to get up and crush your day way.


There you go. Okay. You and your serial entrepreneur brain, let's make that happen.


We can be with you every morning if you choose. The app is coming soon.


Exactly. Yes. Check back with us this time next year. We'll see how far we've gotten in that. All right, do you have anything else surrounding this topic before I ask you our final two questions?


Yeah. I just love that we also talked about the evening routine, because I know when we started.


Thank you.


We weren't necessarily talking about the evening, but I love the visual of the circle that tells me you still got to control the evening to get into the morning. To the evening. To the morning. So that visual really helped me think about the evening is just as important, too.


Yeah, no, thank you for pointing that out. I completely agree. So, second to last question. Do you have a happiness or life hack that you use in your own life? The listeners might want to try out in their own, and it could have to do with morning routines, or it could be totally random.


Yeah. So, you mentioned the music. When I am home working during the day and I'm not on a video or podcast, and I'm just doing what I need to, I in the living room, I turn on something like Tony Robbins or just keeping that positive information coming into my brain throughout the day. So if I get up to get water to use the restroom, I'm hearing him in the background, and he's on loop, and it's just like, oh, I remember that. Or I find myself just thinking about that thought later. So, controlling that environment all throughout the day and just little. I mean, it costs you $0, maybe electricity, but turn on YouTube and put somebody that you find inspirational on loop, and that doesn't cost you anything extra, but that constant positive energy coming into you is just how you keep it and then how you give it back.


Yeah, that's great. That's such a good one. And can be used for any form of positivity that someone's wanting. So maybe it's music or maybe it's a candle that you keep lit out in the living room. So, like, every time you pass by, you just smell one of your favorite. Know, something like.


Fireplaces. Whatever sound makes you happy, just put it.


Yeah. Yeah. Now, last question. Where can the listeners connect with you and tell them where to get your book.


Yes. So book is on Amazon. It's called empower your money. And so it's 101 tips on how to become financially free. You could definitely check that out on Amazon. It's on Kindle. And you could buy it in paperback. And then if you want to reach out to me, all my social medias, LinkedIn, everything is empower her money. So TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, empower her.


Money, all of the things. And I will also link to her social handles in the show notes. That is a wrap. Thank you so much for being here with us today, Angela. This was such a empowering conversation. Like what I did there.


Yes. Love it.


And my friends, I will be back in your ears next week with another episode of the Think Happy podcast. Yay.


Thank you, Kaitlin.


Thank you for joining me for this week's episode of the Think Happy podcast. I would so appreciate it if you could leave a rating and review. And if you just can't get enough, find me on Instagram at thinkhappy_co. That's C o and online at thinkhappyco.com. I'll be back in your ears next week with another episode of the Think Happy podcast.


EP 103: Finding Balance in Your Life (And is it Achievable?)


EP 101: Morning Routines with Angela Duncan | Part 1