Featured on The Styled Fox

This week I had the honor of being featured on the Houston lifestyle and fashion blog, The Styled Fox. It was so much fun sharing not only a sneak peek of my book, but also my favorite happiness tips for quarantine. Check out the preview here, then head to The Styled Fox to read the rest of the post.

how to live your happiest life during quarantine


Hello to my fellow The Styled Fox lovers! My name is Kaitlin and I’m a combination of thrilled/honored/excited/nervous to meet you. To give you a bit of perspective as to why I’m here, here’s the backstory: Anna and I became friends through Define - about a year ago, we both started working some of the morning shifts (and by morning, I mean really early...we’re talking before the sun is up, before coffee has done its job, and before you even care that you probably have sleep in your eyes). You know you’ll be friends with someone when you can smile at them at 5:00 am. And in a nutshell, that’s what happened with Anna and me!

So with that being said, let me introduce myself with a few fun and very random facts. 1) I have a Goldendoodle named Guppy who I’m head-over-heels in love with 2) I think mayo is disgusting 3) I was born in San Diego but moved to Houston when I was a toddler 4) Scary movies scare me WAYYY too much 5) I’m obsessed with happiness and wellbeing 6) I don’t like pepperoni pizza 7) Have I mentioned that my dog is really freaking adorable? 9) My first book, Think Happy, was published in March.

Think Happy is about...you guessed it...happiness! Each chapter focuses on a tip to help you live your happiest life. It empowers you, the reader, to jump in the driver’s seat of your life and stay there! Happiness is not going to come knocking on your door - you have to intentionally seek it out and embrace it. Think Happy dives into topics such as time management, loving your body, and setting attainable goals. It will guide you to a path that leads to happiness, but leaves you with the reminder that YOU are the only person who controls how happy YOU feel. 

Hopefully by this point, you feel I’m qualified to share with you a few of my favorite tips for quarantine. Here we go!

  1. Focus on the immediate future - If you’re anything like me, this is way easier said than done. I am usually the person who’s calendar is already filled for the upcoming weeks and months. Typically, planning ahead brings me joy; however, during the COVID-19 crisis, I’ve found that thinking too far in the future makes me feel anxious and sad. To help prevent these negative emotions, I choose to focus on the near future.

    Try thinking about something you can get excited about that will happen in the next 1-2 days. It could be opening your favorite bottle of wine, going on a long walk or bike ride, having a movie + popcorn night, or a FaceTime date with girlfriends. The list could go on and on. Try a few different things to mix it up! But ultimately, the important thing is that it’s something you can look forward to! 

For tips 2-5, head over to the rest of the post here!!


Books I’ve Been Reading


Happiness During Quarantine