EP 105: Perspective & Priorities in Motherhood & Women’s Money Mindset with Rebekah Kiger | Part 2


Hey, you are about to hear part two of a two part conversation. If you haven't yet, be sure to listen to part one, which aired last week. Welcome to the Think Happy podcast. Hi there. Welcome back to the Think Happy podcast. I have the second part of last week's conversation with Rebekah ready for your ears today. Rebekah is just such a gem of a person, and I feel so thankful to not only to have gotten to connect with her, but just so thankful that she was able to join me on this show to pour into you.


I am sitting here laughing at myself because right when I was starting to record this intro for you today, the little stand that my podcast microphone sits on, it totally fell off of my desk, so that's okay. No one was injured in the falling off of the podcast microphone stand, but I'm sitting here at my desk just holding my microphone right now, and it feels a little goofy, but I'm cool with it if you are cool with it. That was just a little side note for you, just so you can really picture how things are going for me right now. I also have a hot cup of coffee that is so delicious. A week or so ago, I got in a new order of my Kirbeans coffee, and, God, it's just so good. It's a game changer. Okay, so before we get into part two of my conversation with Rebekah, I have noticed that I've been sending out a lot of my freebies lately in my Instagram dms. So because of that, I wanted to take a second to let you know just about all of the freebies that I have available for this community.


So, first of all, they can all be found in my bio link on Instagram. Okay? So there's like, a couple different categories of freebies. So we'll go through each of them. The first one is just downloads. Those are probably the easiest, most simple. So on my Instagram bio, you can find a wasted time guide, which walks you through identifying time that you waste or use unproductively, and then how to reallocate that time so it serves you better. Also, for downloads, there is my brain dump worksheet that walks you through my process. For brain dumps, there is a free class that you can download that covers priorities, balance and consistency. There's also a free workshop that you can download, or I guess it's not really downloading. There's a free workshop that you can watch that covers the four steps of building a sustainable habit. I really like that workshop. So if you're just wanting to get a taste for how I teach building habits and building routines, that would be a really great starting point for you. Then I also have free 20 minutes, one on one sessions. With those sessions, you get to pick one of two topics.


The topics you can pick from are time and task management or building sustainable routines. So again, all of those you can find in my Instagram bio link. And as always, I truly love hearing from you. So while you're on my instagram, send me a message to say hi. You would? For real? For real. Just totally make my day. So with that being said, let's roll with part two of my conversation with Rebekah. Enjoy. One of my favorite things about talking to specifically women entrepreneurs is it seems like we all have this commonality, or maybe not all of us, but a lot of us have this commonality in building businesses, surrounding something that first we used to struggle with. Second, we figured out, and now third, we want to help others get through that, too. And I mean, that's exactly what you're sharing with us right now. For me, this is going to sound dramatic, but it's kind of true. For me, it wasn't this really life or death situation like it was for you and your daughter. But I think back to a couple of years ago with think happy. It started in 2020 just with a book.


And the reason I wrote the book is because people kept asking me, Caitlin, how are you always so happy? And I wanted to help other people become intentional about creating happiness in their own, you know, fast forward. Here we are now, you and I, having this conversation, and there's just this tug that we have in helping people figure out things that we have figured out. And so can you tell us now a little bit? I guess, like, let's transition here a little bit. Can you tell us a little bit more about specifically the coaching and the mentoring and the guiding that you do surrounding money mindset and money habit building?


Absolutely. Yeah, you brought up a really good point. Like, you don't have to wait until you're in a place. Yes. That you need. Right. Not everyone to be that dramatic, but every one of us knows that. I believe that there's more available for us. I believe that if you're not growing, you're dying. Look at the grass. Right. If the grass is not growing. So there's this tug that we all have, this inkling, this intuitive hitch, or this guidance that there's more available for us in this world. And I believe that's all by design. So one of the biggest things that I do is I help women who want to get to that next level in their financial life, whatever that looks like, for them to become aware of what it is that's in the way, what is actually holding them back from reaching that goal? Getting into modalities. And we can share a little bit more here in a moment of. I do have my proprietary method that's trademarked, and I go through this process with people, but it's important for us to know what we're doing and figure out our blind spots so that we can shift them.


Because if you're not where you want to be in your financial life, there's likely a blind spot reason that you're not. Unless, I mean, I really can't think of any other reason why wouldn't be. If you're not where you want to be, there's something in the way, and it's probably a limiting belief. It's probably some sort of limitation that you're putting onto yourself, that saying, well, I can't make that money, or who am I to do this, or I'm not good enough to do that, or whatever the chatter comes up for you, it's not true. It's just not true. So there's something in the way for most women. And what I see most often is the biggest things that are blocking women are their limiting beliefs, the way that they speak to themselves about money, their money story and their nervous system, dysregulation around money. So these are things that I help my clients with so that they can reach the next level. And most of the feedback that I get from my clients is that they double their income while working half the time. And so that's something.


That's amazing.


Yeah, I've been kind of playing with this, just sharing it from the language of my clients. So I help clients to double their income while working half the time through my proprietary method because I have perfected this. Now, I've been doing this for several years using this method, and it's how I overcame my journey to where I am now, which is multiple six figure entrepreneur living the life that I have designed. And I have been able to create a process that is really an a to z process to be able to do this in your own life. And so, yeah, I'd be happy to share more about that if you'd like to go into that as well.


Yes, I do. But first, what really stuck out, and you said this right when you started talking about this, is how one of the things that you help women do is figure out what it is that's getting in the way, maybe like what speed bump they have. And I think that that is essential in any form of personal development, self improvement that you might desire for yourself. I think that finances and money, I think that is self improvement. I think that is personal development. But even if it's something, this is such a silly example. Maybe you've been trying to wake up earlier in the morning so that you can have a little bit of me time, quiet time, or a little bit of a morning routine. But just morning after morning after morning, you find yourself turning off your alarm and just not doing it. What's the speed bump there? Because it's probably not the alarm that's going off in the morning. Chances are it's something a little bit bigger. There's something that's leading you to that point of not being able to have what you want to have. Maybe you're not going to bed early enough.


Maybe you're not giving yourself the amount of rest that you need. I just really like how that seems to be the starting point that you have with a lot of your clients and with what you're teaching. And I just think that it's noteworthy that it really is applicable in most forms of personal development.


Yeah, I would say all forms, 100%. It starts with awareness, and that's actually the first pillar in my method. So it's always about cultivating awareness, because you can't shift something in your life that you're unaware of. If it's a blind spot for you.


It's a blind spot.


You're never going to see it. You have to become aware of it. And so having a mentor, having a guide, having a process that helps you do that is absolutely crucial if you want to get to the next level. 100%, I agree with you.


Yeah. Okay, so you already shared with us the first step. Let's just go into your framework now. I cannot wait for this.




I'm like, where's my notebook? Here we go.


I know, I get so excited to talk about this. So this method is essentially a five step process called the align method. And align is an acronym that spells out the word align. Right. And it is all of the five steps that you would need to create change in, really any area of your life. But we'll focus on money for the sake of the conversation. So the first step, pillar number one, is we have to cultivate awareness to the things that are going on behind the scenes. So as it relates to money, again, I've already alluded to some of these things. We're talking about limiting beliefs and your money story and trauma around money and the way that your parents handled money. All of these things play a massive part in why it is that we do things as an adult, and so we have to become. There's also a concept called your financial thermostat, which is essentially your capacity to make money. You have a financial thermostat that works similar to your thermostat in your home. And anytime you go above and beyond where your thermostat is set, your nervous system kicks into overdrive, and it feels very unsafe in this expansion.


So these are all important things for us to become aware of, because we have something that we have called upper limits. And this is based on a book by gay Hendrix called the Big Leap. And I would highly recommend taking a look at this because it talks about how we limit ourselves, how we limit ourselves as humans, how our nervous systems are set up to only receive a certain amount of abundance before we'll shut it down and self sabotage it. So there's a lot of different things that I walk my clients through as it relates to cultivating awareness. But let's use a very simple example. Let's say that I say to you, what is your ultimate goal to achieve in a monthly revenue? Like, you can share that, or even if you just want to quietly think about this as you're listening, what would a goal be? Let's say that your ultimate goal is to make $20,000 a month. I don't know. I don't know where everyone is starting. None of it actually matters. I'm just pulling a number out. Let's say that your ultimate goal is to make $20,000 a month in your business.


Well, if I said that to you, I said, well, what is stopping you from making the $20,000 a month? You're immediately going to have some chatter in your mind. That's indicative that there is a block. So you might be saying something like, and maybe 20,000 isn't a lot for you. Or maybe you're starting at 10,020 is a lot, or 50,000 or 100, it doesn't matter. Stretch yourself until you find a limiting belief. So if I said to you, can you make $20,000 a month? And you say no, why? Well, because I've never done it before. That's a limiting belief. You see what I mean? So I have a process, of course, that I cultivate ways of being able to identify these limiting beliefs. And so once we identify a limiting belief, or maybe yours, is that I'm not good enough. I'm not good enough. I don't know how to make it happen because I'm not good enough. I've never been good enough to do this kind of work. I don't know. And so let's use I'm not good enough. So if we bring the awareness to the fact that you have this belief that you're actually not innately good enough, then no matter how much action you take in your business, it's not going to be enough.


You're going to be grinding, you're going to be hustling, you're going to be doing the same thing that I did because I had this belief, and it's just never going to be enough. It's never going to be enough money, it's never going to be enough clients, it's never going to be enough time, there's never going to be enough, because fundamentally, I don't believe that I'm enough. And so therefore, I'm projecting that out into the world and into my business. So once we cultivate awareness and we actually uncover some of these beliefs, we've got to move on to pillar number two, which is l, and it stands for letting them go. So once we have an awareness to these limiting beliefs, and I'm talking about there's been people who have gone through this process and uncovered 32 limiting beliefs. Wow. So anything that is a belief that limits you is a limiting belief. So we've got to be able to let these things go. So I have all kinds of modalities that we can use. And essentially, in pillar number two, what we're doing is we're creating a toolkit, a release toolkit, so that when you walk throughout your life and you identify that you're saying or doing something that is not serving your highest good, and this $20,000 a month goal that you have, you can pull out one of your tools and say, okay, I'm going to go ahead and release this.


So that is the goal, is to cultivate this toolkit, and that's what I help my clients do. And then once we start to release these beliefs that you have uncovered, we move into pillar number three, which is I, and it stands for identify where you want to go instead. So once we've released this belief that I'm not good enough or I'm not worthy or I can't do it, blah, blah, blah, then we can now see from a clear perspective. It's like a blank canvas. Okay?




Maybe you've been walking your whole life out, saying things on repeat, and you don't even necessarily know how much you're actually limiting yourself. Most of us do this. And so once we are free from what we call baggage, that unconscious baggage, these limiting beliefs and all this, then we can see from a clear lens and say, okay, well, where do I actually want to go instead? Is it really $20,000 a month? Maybe I only really need $10,000. Or maybe it's $30,000 a month or whatever. Again, it doesn't matter. And I really just actually want more time freedom with my kids. I really, actually just want to have more experiences with my children. And we can see from this higher perspective of now that I'm free from all the limiting thoughts that I had. Now this is where I really want to go. And once we can start setting goals, this is where we set goals like we talked about on our interview. Then we move on to pillar number four, which is getting into inspired action. So now we've got to start actually moving. We've got to start doing the things right. There's a lot of people who have these big goals and desires, but they're not taking the action.


They're not doing the things. Well, if you don't do anything and your goal is to make whatever it is a month, and you're not actually taking the needle moving activities to get there, it's never going to happen. So we have to actually do it right. You've got to show up to these podcast interviews, you got to show up to your coaching calls, you got to show up on social media. But this isn't about just moving, just to move and being on the hamster wheel of life again. This is about taking inspired action, learning how to access your intuition, learning how to use your soul power, your divine, intuitive gifts that nudge, that knowing, that inner nudge, right? That's actually pulling you towards something greater than yourself that we've been talking about. So it's not about just hustling and grinding. It's literally having something that is so exciting within sight of your soul that it pulls you out of bed in the morning. The reason that we're snoozing is because we don't have that. We don't have access to that all of the time. And trust me, I have had a lifelong struggle with snoozing. So that is something that is really important for us to have this desire, this soul power, that allows us to actually get into inspired action.


And then once you get into inspired action, you're going to start to see that you're manifesting the money. You're starting to see actual, tangible results. Money is coming in, clients are coming in, social media followings coming in. But most people start here with inspired action, or just start with action. They'll say things like, okay, well, what do I need to do to get to $20,000 a month? Well, the reality is that if you have the old limiting belief that I'm not good enough and you're just taking action from that, you're never going to get there. So we got to go through steps one through four first, right? Then we start to see those tangible results, and then we can move into pillar number five, which is n, and it stands for normalizing this level of success once you get there, because here's what I see happen most often, and this is where most of my clients and most entrepreneurs get stuck, is they start receiving the income, they start receiving the abundance, they start receiving the followers, or they start receiving the promotions. If you're at work, right, you don't have to be an entrepreneur.


This is just mostly who that I tend to work with. But this applies anywhere. What happens is they start to feel like it's a fluke or that it's not imposter syndrome. Imposter syndrome starts to come up. And so the reason that this happens is because anything that is unfamiliar to the nervous system is automatically deemed as unsafe. And so when you're reaching a new level of success that you've never reached before, your nervous system will actually kick into overdrive to get you back down to where your comfort zone is. And so you're almost fighting against your biology. And so it's really important for us to normalize wealth, normalize having lots of money, normalize having whatever lots of money is to you. Normalize this next level of success so that you can hold on to it, so that you're not self sabotaging it and falling back into old patterns, because every new level that you experience is another layer most of the time. And so that's why we need guidance through this. I know this was the missing link for me because I would call in all of this money and then I would spend it all.


I would be still in so much fear around money, I'd have anxiety opening my bank account. I'd have so much fear paying bills, even though I didn't have a real reason to. Like, I had money. It was just my trauma responses, my survival mode that I was in, my attachment styles. There's so many different things that go into this, but I lived in a constant state of fear and anxiety around money. And this is what we don't want to happen, because if that's how we feel about money, it's not going to matter how much we make of it. No amount of money that you have is going to heal your relationship with it.




It's important for us to normalize these levels of success. So, in a nutshell, that's the align method. And if any of your listeners want to go through a deeper training on this, I'm happy to gift them my free training around this. Yes, it's called how to rise to riches using the aligned method. And we actually go through these pillars so that they can see an example of what this might look like and really be able to start digging deeper and saying, okay, what are the limiting beliefs? What are the things that are. Why am I holding myself back? And it actually will walk them through exactly how to start this process. So I'm happy to gift that if that's something you feel like would be valuable.


Yes, absolutely. If you can send me the link to that, I'll include it in the show notes for everybody. Yeah, absolutely. As I'm sitting here, I'm drinking the most delicious cup of Kirbeans coffee. Kirbeans is a wife and husband duo who turn their passion for coffee into a business. They are so sweet, and it makes me so happy seeing their business thrive. Now, let me tell you why Kirbeans is thriving. To put it simply, it's because their coffee is amazing. Think happy has had the honor of getting to pick a think happy signature roast. These dark roasted Mexico beans smell like a good day waiting to happen. When brewed, they create the smoothest cup of coffee you have ever tasted, and it is even still good after being reheated. If you're like me and frequently get pulled away from your coffee, you know that's important. And I have a special treat for you. Think happy listeners receive 15% off their order of kirbeans. Head to kirbeans coffee. Kirbeans is spelled Kirbeans, and use code thinkhappy at checkout for your 15% discount. Again, that's Kirbeans coffee code thinkhappy for 15% off. To recap awareness, letting go of limiting beliefs.


Identify where you want to go instead getting into inspired action and normalizing this level of success or accomplishment. It seems like kind of, once you get the hang of this, it can really be rinse and repeat in other areas of your life. Also, for some reason, the first thing that's coming to my mind right now is, let's say someone has a weight loss goal. Become aware what is really getting in the way. Maybe food is a way that you self soothe something. Awareness. And then letting go of that limiting belief. I don't need food to make myself feel better. Okay, where do I want to go instead? I want to have a body that serves me well and that has the energy to keep up with my kiddos and to pick them up when they fall down and then getting into that inspired action. Okay, so how do I actually fuel myself? How do I get the movement that I need to step into that version of myself? And then maybe once you lose that weight, you know that you can keep it off. It doesn't have to be this crazy, humongous life change. Just align.


Align, my friends, align.


I love that you picked that up so fast, because most people don't do that. But you're so right. This is the idea what I was telling you about earlier. I designed this so that you're not just transforming your relationship with money, magnetizing more wealth, doubling your income, and working. Half the time, you are literally able to take this and apply it to every other area of your life. And it truly is. It's something that I came up with years ago just on my own. I was actually in a meditation, and I kind of got this idea that this was what I needed to do, and it all just came to me. It was like, through my soul power, if you will. And then the more that I researched all of these steps, I actually realized that this is all backed by neuroscience, it's backed by neuro linguistic programming. And how we create change in our lives is actually by doing all of these things. And I didn't even know it, so I started using this, and because I got this divine, intuitive hit to do it, and now I'm like, oh, my God, my clients are getting crazy results.


They're going from zero to $20,000 a month. That's why I use that example, normalizing $20,000 a month when they didn't even think making $1,000 a month was possible for them in their business. So it's just interesting to see how it all plays out. And you're right, you can use it in every area. So, yeah, I love that you walk through that because that shows me, like.


You're a fast know. Okay, so I have a collaboration suggestion for you. Someone who's been on my show before. Her name is Sheridan Ruth. She has done so much research on the nervous system, and I really think that you guys would have such a wonderful conversation because recently she has shifted to working with entrepreneurs and just leveraging their nervous system. And it all goes back to our bodies are literally telling us everything that we need to know. We just have to learn how to tune into that. And I would love to connect you with her. Yeah, she is fantastic. She lives overseas, so you might have to do the interviews, like earlier in the day or later in the day, but it's totally worth it.


Yes, that's totally okay. I would love that. This topic is my favorite thing to talk about because it was the missing link for me was regulating my nervous system.


Yeah, well, you can tell just how passionate you are. That really comes out. And I have a feeling that is a big reason also why your clients are seeing such great success, because you are infectious like you really are.


Thank you. When you're living in the soul power, so it's available for every single person, and so are you. So I want to reflect that back to you as well. This is something that happens when we're living in that passion. And I'm not forced to go to work every day and forced to do this that I don't want to do. And I'm not suggesting that going to work is a bad thing. If you love what you do, then that could be your sole power, too. I'm just saying that this is the concept of living in our true, authentic selves. This is the outcome of it. Right? We get excited.


Amen to that.




Okay, so as we start wrapping up, I have two final questions for you. This one is my all time favorite. So do you have a life or happiness hack that you use in your own life that the listeners might want to adopt in their own life?


Yes. So it is one of the tools that I use in pillar number two with letting go. So anytime that you are speaking to yourself in a way that you do not prefer that does not feel good. That chatter that we have in our minds, that's negative or that's limiting you. I want you to start to question it. I just want you to say, almost pretend like it's an alter ego of yours. It's the chatty cathy in the back of your head. That's actually not really who you are, because you are not your thoughts. Your thoughts are their own manifestation of things. And so ultimately, if you start to question them and know, who said that I'm not good enough? Who said, who are you, chatty cathy, to say that I'm not good enough? I am innately worthy of all that I desire. Right? And so starting to question these things, where did this come from? Whose voice is that anyway? And just being able to loosen the grip a little bit on the fact that you are not actually your thoughts. None of these things are actually true. You're just believing them to be true.


And that's all. Beliefs are just stories that we've been telling ourselves our whole life. And so even in the word belief is the word lie, by the way. So these are all just beliefs.


Yes. I was listening to a podcast about beliefs and how we just have gotten to this point. And the example that the host was using was, we learned that the sky is blue because we were told over and over and over, the sky is blue. So we started to believe that the sky is blue. But if tomorrow you wake up and people are now saying, the sky turned pink, and then you pull up your Instagram feed and everyone's talking about the sky is pink, you turn on the news, the sky is pink. It would take a couple of weeks, maybe a couple of months, but sooner or later, you're going to start believing the sky's freaking pink.


It's just the way it works.




You tell yourself something long enough, it becomes a belief. Exactly. We could always get into this conversation later about how beliefs are formed, but the truth is that anything that's limiting you, sis, is a belief because you are actually a divine, created being. At your core, authentic self abundance is your birthright. You are actually worthy of every single thing. Do you see a baby? We talk about kids on here. Do you see any babies that are hesitant to start crying because they don't think they're worthy of their mother's milk? Like, that's crazy. We know who we are as children. It's the programs, the conditioning, the paradigms that we choose to believe and that others project onto us that tells us that we're not worthy. But the reality is that you are a divinely created being, and you are worthy of every freaking desire that you have on this planet. I don't ever want you to forget it. Oh, my God.


I feel like I could cry. That was really good. That was really good.


Hey, you needed to hear it. So did others. Us. Because I needed to hear it. Right? We all.


It's so true. It's so true. Okay, where can we connect with you? Where can we find you?


Absolutely. So I'm on all of the socials at Rise with Rebekah, and my first name is spelled a little differently, so you can put that in the show notes. It's with kah at the end instead of a CCA. But ride with Rebekah on all of the social media's where I hang out the most is Instagram. So come and send me a DM. I literally love connecting with other, like, minds and other people. I answer all of my dms, even if it takes me a little while, but I personally am the one behind my dms. So shoot me a message and let me know how this resonated with you. And if you need any support from me, I am happy to give it to you.


Well, thank you so much for being here. Thank you for pouring into us. I feel like this is going to be pretty soon one of the most listened to episodes that I have on my show. I just have a feeling I do.


All right, my friends, with that being said, that is a wrap for today's episode, and I will be back in your ears next week with another episode of the Think Happy podcast. Thank you for joining me for this week's episode of the Think Happy podcast. I would so appreciate it if you could leave a rating and review. And if you just can't get enough, find me on Instagram @Thinkhappy_Co. That's c o and online at thinkhappyco.com. I'll be back in your ears next week with another episode of the Think Happy podcast.


EP 106 & 107: Avoiding Burnout & Sustaining Self-Care with Daniella Wolfe


EP 104: Perspective & Priorities in Motherhood & Women’s Money Mindset with Rebekah Kiger | Part 1